Thursday, December 10, 2009

Why it call ballet?


1667, from Fr. ballette from It. balletto, dim. of ballo "a dance" (see ball (2)).

ball (2)

"dancing party," 1632, from O.Fr. baller "to dance," from L.L. ballare "to dance," from Gk. ballizein "to dance, jump about," also "to throw," from PIE base *gwel- "to drip, spring forth, throw" (cf. Skt. balbaliti "whirls, twirls," Gk. ballizo "dance," O.E. plega "play"). Hence, "very enjoyable time" (1945, Amer.Eng. slang). Ballroom dancing first attested 1894.

Why it call ballet?imax theatre

Why not? Should we call it "funny looken with funny clothes?

I just do not know?

Why it call ballet?performing show opera theater

it is a dimiutive of the french word bal which means dance....
because when you tell your girl your going to the strippers she gets mad
it's french for dance
dont know...but i dont think it makes much of a difference

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