Is there any way in which i can improve the hight of my jump through technique and excersises. please state.also is there any way i can inprove the amount of turns i can do in the air??
Male jumping in ballet??extension
I would imagine that is a question that your ballet teacher could answer.
Male jumping in ballet??movie theater opera theater
yeas eat plenty of weetabix.
Use a strategically placed Standard Fireworks Super Rocket.
heya i would imagine that is a question that your ballet teacher could answer but you can try and look on google x
i know that my teacher always tells the guys that to get higher in jumps they have to have a really deep plie and then think of pushing their hips up higher in the air. im not exactly sure how you can do this, but it always helped them a lot. as for the turns, just think of jumping up and spoting your head faster. i dont know if this will help you cuz im a girl, but its what my teacher always tells the guys and he's amazing at these things. and it always helped the guys so far.
first of all improve your upper back muscles. start by sitting on the floor with your legs out straight. sit as tall as you can, with your shoulders down and keep lifting your middle body high. you will feel you back ache after a while. time yourself and try to improve the time each day. as your back gets stronger your body will stay in line better when jumping. also, when you do jump keep the preparation in line (don't let any part of the body stick forward or out at the back!) and make sure you feel yourself go straight upwards. many people attempt to jump higher and actually throw themselves back a bit which stops the 'up' part of the jump. imagine there is a wall in front and behind you and try to go up and down without any part of you touching the wall. finally use your tummy muscles well pulled in and up the whole time.
work on your core strength and you will improve.
try working your feet really hard on some sautes off the barre and maybe a few fouttes form plies this is only vague but maybe you could try the internet or even a book but if ya have a half decent teacher they should help you
okay the height of the jumping well i would recommend try doing the high jump.
Amount of turns: well all i can say is keep practising turns and see what you can do
good luck
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