Not point/pointe (I'm not sure how it is spelled) but flat. I'm taking a dance class, and I don't know which are better. Also, footless or footed tights?
Canvas or leather ballet shoes?opera sheet music
For a wider foot, choose canvas. For a wooden floor, chose leather for more traction, for a Marley, choose canvas. Leather shoes will last longer on wooden floors, but canvas are easier to clean. Get a split sole shoe if you are over 10. Ask your teacher about the tights, and make sure the shoes fit---however, leather will stretch over time.
Canvas or leather ballet shoes?shows opera theater
I prefer leather, but I hear canvas is great. I would suggest footed tights, because sometimes wearing the footless tights can hurt the arch in your foot. Have fun in dance!
Leather softens and forms to your foot. In my opinion they are more comfortable. footless tights are more comfortable if you can stand your feet sweeting in your shoes. Split sole shoes are more flexiable and easier to move in. I know you didn't ask but I thought I would throw that in.
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