Thursday, December 10, 2009

Who composes a ballet?

I'm following the different versions of the "Rite of the Spring", and I have found 4 different interpretations so far.

Each version entitles the main dancer, But only in the first version Ninjinki is named, and I don't think a male could act as the "sacrificed girl".

Who composes a ballet?getting late

That's the difficult part of ballet. Usually there is a collaborative effort on the part of the composer and the choreographer at first. The Rite of Spring was composed with only Stravinsky's staging written at first. Later - you have several versions where Stravinsky was involved in its staging, but after the first few - every choreogrpher made their own way. The same is true pretty much all around. Copland's work with Martha Graham has much the same results.

There's a great book of Stravinsky's writings called "Themes and Conclusions" in which he discusses all of his major works, how they were composed and asnswers many questions. It also includes a collection of all of his interviews with various magazines and TV, as well of his reviews of his own and the works of others. There's also a hillarious section of his letters to the editor from various newspapers that will crack you up!

Good luck with this. Sounds like you got yoru work cut out for you, but it will be worth it.

Who composes a ballet?regal theater opera theater

A choreographer...why not? Have you seen the all-male version of Swan Lake?
I'm very confused. A composer is somebody who writes the music for a ballet, and not all composers actually write the stories that get used in ballets that feature their music. Also, sometimes the stories in ballets get changed a little bit depending on who is producing them.

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